Sneaks Guide

To start running and earning KCAL, you need to get a Sneaks. The fastest way to jump in is to buy one in the Step App built-in Marketplace.
When doing so, make sure to get a good one: read on to figure out what to look for and which Sneaks are worth buying!

Getting the proper Sneaks

Buying Sneaks: it will be quite a cost at the start

The fastest way to get Sneaks is to login into the StepApp and buy one with FITFI. You need to setup the app, buy FITFI, transfer FITFI to Step Network and send it to Spendings Wallet. Price of the Sneaks NFT fluctuates in FITFI amount, but the observed floor price over the last few months was between 200$-500$. The common understanding is that getting a Sneak for 200$ can be considered very cheap.

While buying your first Sneaks, I would recommend to buy a Shoebox and avoid going for certain Sneaks unless you know what you are doing. If you want to go with certain Sneaks, make sure you buy Sneaks with 0 Mint value. Sneaks with Mint value larger than 0 have their attributes lowered as a penalty for minting and are often not worth using, as they will yield very low amounts of KCAL per run.

Shoeboxes always yield fresh, Mint 0 shoes, but with random parameters. Before pulling the trigger on a Shoebox, check the details below to get the one that fits your pace of exercising the best.

Also worth noting is that a Shoebox of a certain Quality (i.e. Common) has a small (~1%) chance to contain higher quality item (i.e. Uncommon).

Make sure to check the proper stats guide for details how to select and upgrade the best Sneaks.

Alternative methods of getting Sneaks

If you want to avoid buying Sneaks, there are alternative methods that can allow you to receive a pair. But those often take (a lot of) time and are random by nature. So if you want to start instantly, buying Sneaks from Marketplace would be the best solution.

You can get Sneaks from Lootboxes: Staking Reward Lootboxes (up to 35% chance per lootbox) and FAT Reward Lootboxes (a small chance to receive one). There might be other campaigns in the future that will allow to get a Sneak.

FITFI Staking Lootbox
Genesis Sneaks

Genesis Sneaks are a special, limited (only 10,000 items) version of a Sneak with special perks that are not yet disclosed. Based on assumptions and the general idea of genesis items, these Sneaks will be worth more in the future.

Holding Genesis Sneaks will be most probably considered as a requirement to use the special perks in the future.

FITFI Genesis Shoebox

Sneak Types, Qualities and Stats

Sneak Types - get ones that fit your workout pace the best

There are 4 types of Sneaks that have different speed requirements you need to run at while using them to earn KCAL. The rule of thumb is that the faster you run, the more KCAL you earn, but the sneak type defines the spread of the min/max speed you need to run at to earn KCAL:

  • Walker: works at speeds of 1-6 km/h, suitable for walking or light jogging.
  • Hiker: works at speeds of 4-10 km/h, suitable for jogging and light running.
  • Racer: works at speeds of 8-20 km/h, suitable for fast running.
  • Coach: works at speeds of 1-20 km/h, suitable for any type of activity.

Coach Sneaks seem to be more all-around solution and currently it seems they reward similar amount of KCAL compared to the specialized versions, at the same speed. From the first timer perspective, Coaches seem like the most logical solution, as you can start from slow walks and move towards the faster runs with the same Sneaks, as your performance improves.

Sneaks Type
Sneak Quality

Sneak quality defines the Base Stats of the Sneaks, which also affects available Energy, Durability and how much KCAL you can earn overall. Rule of thumb is the better quality Sneaks you have, the more KCAL you can earn while using them:

  • Common: have 4-12 points per Base Stat, 30 Durability.
  • Uncommon: have 8-22 points per Base Stat, 50 Durability.
  • Rare: have 14-40 points per Base Stat, 70 Durability.
  • Epic: have 26-73 points per Base Stat, 90 Durability.
  • Legendary: have 47-133 points per Base Stat, 110 Durability.

In short, more Durability lets you use the Sneak for longer, as at 0 Durability Sneaks no longer give KCAL for activity. More base stats give more Energy to run longer as well. Lower quality Sneaks will limit your KCAL earning performance mostly by wearing out faster, especially on long runs.

FITFI Sneaks Qualities
Sneak Stats

Sneak Stats define how good are your Sneaks at certain actions you can perform in StepApp. In short, you should focus on stats that affect the performance of earning KCAL, but it is important to be aware what each of the Base Stat actually means and affects:

  • Activity: defines the amount of KCAL tokens earned per Energy: the most important stat.
  • Resistance: defines the price of KCAL that is required to repair worn out Sneaks. The lower the price, the more KCAL from your run stays in your pocket.
  • Luck: defines the chane of getting (a higher level) chest: the longer the run and higher Luck attribute, the better the chest will be.
  • Balance: determines the number of KCAL earned for Burning your shoes. Less important stat if you don't want to Burn your shoes.

As you see above, the most important stat is Activity, then Resistance. Balance can be left out until you plan to Burn your shoes. Luck seems to be quite random in effectiveness.

FITFI Sneaks Stats
Focus on proper Stats

While looking around the market and/or having different Sneaks to select from, focus on their Stats.

Since the most important stat is Activity, you should prefer Sneaks that:

  • have Bonus % to Activity (often named like "Edition A", after Activity stat name),
  • have Activity as the highest Base Stat, so when you level them up, their Activity will get the most points assigned.

If you cannot get the Activity ones, you can then focus on Resistance (to lower cost of repairs) and then also Luck (to get better Chests and rewards from them). Balance is only used when Burning (so not important in the daily routine) and Mint bonus are only worth looking into if you are really going to Mint new Seanks.

Proper Stats

Sneak Level, Energy, Durability and Rank

Sneak Level

Sneak Level defines Sneak Stats (please keep in mind that Stats and Base States are two different entities, which is important later on when optimisation actions are introduced). Each Sneak comes out of the box as Level 1 and can be brought up to level 30 with the use of both KCAL and FITFI.

You can upgrade the Sneaks organically, which means that you can start using them to earn KCAL and spend KCAL on upgrades every few days. This takes quite long period of time (around 1-2 months).

If you want to speed up the process, you can use KCAL and FITFI and level them up in few minutes. More details can be found in optimisation guide.

Sneaks Level

Energy is the most important resource in StepApp: only while having available Energy you can earn KCAL. Energy is a resource that is being depleted while you run with an amount that equals to 1 Energy gone per 1 minute of movement. So in short, if you have 10 Energy, you can run and earn KCAL for 10 minutes.

Energy amount depends on one thing only: Bases Stats of your Sneaks (keep in mind that we are talking about Base Stats, not the stats you see after you level up or gem up your Sneaks!).

Replenishing your energy takes ~24h and is automatic: this means that after a run that depletes 100% of your energy, you need to wait a day to run again. You can of course start earlier, just with less available Energy.

There is a feature that allows you to have more energy in your Account, for each Sneak you put on: putting Sneaks on Shelf. More details can be found in optimisation guide

To calculate your base Energy, you need to take into account Base Stats of put-on Sneaks and Sneaks put on Shelf. I.e. if your Sneaks base stats amount to 30, you will get 11 base Energy (see table below). Adding Sneak with 35 Base Stats on Shelf will make sum of your Base Stats to be 65, so you will get 19 Energy. Adding one more shoe with Base Stats of 40 will make sum of your Bases Stats to be 105, which equals to 27 base Energy. And so on.

Base Stats (Put-on+Shelf) Energy Base Stats (Put-on+Shelf) Energy
1-27 10 132-138 31
28-32 11 139-145 32
33-37 12 146-152 33
38-42 13 153-159 34
43-47 14 160-174 35
48-51 15 175-187 36
52-55 16 188-200 37
56-59 17 201-213 38
60-63 18 214-226 39
64-67 19 227-239 40
68-71 20 240-252 41
72-75 21 253-265 42
76-79 22 266-278 43
80-83 23 279-291 44
84-87 24 292-315 45
88-96 25 316-339 46
97-103 26 340-363 47
104-110 27 364-387 48
111-117 28 388-411 49
118-124 29 412-435 50
125-131 30
Bonus Energy

While Energy (shown in white) replenishes over 24h, Bonus Energy (shown in blue) is a one-time use resource that can be utilized to extend your walk when your base Energy os depleted.

There are few known sources for Bonus Energy:

  • Putting shoes on shelf: when you put shoes on Shelf, you will get a known (shown on confirmation screen) amount of Bonus Energy. Most often this is something between 20 and 100 Bonus Energy.
  • Staking Lootboxes: Genesis Lootboxes contain quite huge amounts of Bonus Energy, ranging most often between 30 and even 1000 Bonus Energy per lootbox. Availability of bonus energy in Edition lootboxes is much lower and ranges in between 10 and 30 per lootbox.

Gathering Bonus Energy is a great way to not be limited by the daily amount of base Energy. While for example your daily base Energy equals to 20 and you have Commons shoes that allow you to walk/run straight for 30 minutes, having 10 Bonus Energy allows you to extend your run to get the full possible reward for 30 minutes run - you will burn 20 of your base Energy and then 10 Bonus Energy.

Please keep in mind that Bonus Energy gets burned only if there is no base Energy available. You can also start your run having only Bonus Energy and 0 base Energy.

From January 2023 there is a limit of Bonus Energy you can use per 24h and its 50% of your Base Energy. Limit resets after 24h of the Bonus Energy usage, i.e. if you have used your energy today at 19:00, you won't be able to use it earlier than 19:00 tomorrow.

Bonus Energy

While Energy defines how long you can run, Durability does the opposite: it limits how long you can run. While running, your Sneak will wear out and its Durability will go towards 0, at the rate of 1 Durability per 1 Minute of exercise. If the value of Durability hits 0, you need to use KCAL to repair them.

The cost of repair is always presented in KCAL and depends on your Resistance Stat. In short: the more Resistance you have, the cheaper the repair will be.

Better Quality Sneakers have more Durability, so allows you to run longer without the need to stop and do the repairs. Please keep in mind that you should run with Sneaks at 100% of Durability, as having lower value of Durability at the start of the run lowers the amount of earned KCAL during the run.

FITFI Sneak Durability
Sneak Rank

Please note that Sneak Rank is different attribute from Sneak Level and defines basically the amount of KCAL you get from Burning (destroying) your Sneaks.

Rank goes up while you run: the more Energy gets used, the higher Rank value goes. Fresh Sneak start with Rank 1 and can go up to Rank 30.

For more details about Rank levels, Energy requirements and KCAL rewards estimations, please check the Burning guide.

FITFI Sneaks Rank

Want to know more?

Check Optimisation Gide

If you need to know more, just continue reading to optimisation guide.

StepApp Knowledge Base

If you want to check at the source, just visit and check StepApp Knowledge Base articles.